Message from the Director:

Congratulations to the Reach Out Science Communication Challenge semi-finalists from C-DEBI: Sabrina Elkassas (MIT-WHOI) and Rachel Weisend (Texas A&M Corpus Christi)! Cheer them on as they compete among 18 others in the Reach Out Semifinals live tentatively on April 13 (4PM Pacific) to the panel of expert science communicator judges: Raven Baxter, Emily Calendrelli, Jorge Cham, and Melissa Cristina Márquez. More details to come.

We are also pleased to announce the inaugural event for our C-DEBI Virtual Meeting Series based on your enthusiasm for C-DEBI community activities at our last annual meeting. Ben Tully (USC) and Jake Weissman (USC) will kick off the series on new tools in bioinformatics on Monday April 5 (10:30AM – 12:00PM Pacific). Save the date for this first of our virtual events to be held monthly during the first week of each month, with a regular rotation of science workshops and professional development workshops. Each workshop will contain about 90 minutes of programming, including invited speakers to give plenary tutorials and presentations, breakout sessions, and plenary Q&A sessions. Stay tuned for more information.

Don’t forget to also tune in to our final C-DEBI Networked Speaker Series talk “Outwit, Outplay, Outlast: A microbial tale of survival within the marine deep subsurface” presented by Megan Mullis (Texas A&M University at Corpus Christi) on March 18 at 12:30PM Pacific Time.


Jan Amend
C-DEBI Director
