C-DEBI Newsletter – January 4, 2021

C-DEBI Newsletter – January 4, 2021
A bi-weekly digest of deep biosphere news and opportunities
from the Center for Dark Energy Biosphere Investigations


Electrochemical evidence for in situ microbial activity at the Deep Mine Microbial Observatory (DeMMO), South Dakota, USA (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/gbi.12420) (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116386) – NEW!
Annette R. Rowe*, Karla Abuyen*, Bonita R. Lam*, Brittany Kruger, Caitlin P. Casar, Magdalena R. Osburn, Mohamed Y. El-Naggar, Jan P. Amend*
*C-DEBI Contribution 552

The subsurface is Earth’s largest reservoir of biomass. Micro‐organisms are the dominant lifeforms in this habitat, but the nature of their in situ activities remains largely unresolved. At the Deep Mine Microbial Observatory (DeMMO) located in the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in Lead, South Dakota (USA), we performed in situ electrochemical incubations designed to assess the potential for deep groundwater microbial communities to utilize extracellular electron transfer to support microbial respiration. DeMMO 4 was chosen for its stable geochemistry and microbial community. Graphite and indium tin oxide electrodes poised at −200 mV versus SHE were incubated along with open circuit controls and various minerals in a parallel flow reactor that split access to fluids across different treatments. From the patterns of net current over time (fluctuating between anodic and cathodic currents over the course of a few days to weeks) and the catalytic features measured using periodic
cyclic voltammetry, evidence of both oxidative and reductive microbe‐electrode interactions was observed. The predominant catalytic activity ranged from −210 to −120 mV. The observed temporal variability in electrochemical activity was unexpected given the documented stability in major geochemical parameters. This suggests that the accessed fluids are more heterogeneous in electrochemically active microbial populations than previously predicted from the stable community composition. As previously reported, the fracture fluid and surface‐attached microbial communities at SURF differed significantly. However, only minimal differences in community composition were observed between poised potential electrodes, open circuit electrodes, and mineral incubations. These data support that in this environment the ability to attach to surfaces is a stronger driver of microbial community structure than the type or reactivity of the surface. We demonstrate that insight into specific activities can be
gained from electrochemical methods, specifically chronoamperometry coupled with routine cyclic voltammetry, which provide a sensitive approach to evaluate microbial activities in situ.

Have an upcoming manuscript about the deep subseafloor biosphere and want to increase your press coverage? NSF’s Office of Legislative and Public Affairs is looking to coordinate press releases between your home institution and the NSF to coincide with the date of publication. Please contact us as soon as your publication is accepted! (mailto:rosalyyl@usc.edu)

Meetings & Activities

Ridge Seminar Series (https://ridgeseminarseries.wordpress.com/) (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116386) – NEW!
We invite you to join an on-line, multidisciplinary seminar series on the science of mid-ocean ridges, covering all aspects from Earth’s mantle to the water column above, and including aspects and disciplines (e.g., geochemistry, geophysics, structural geology, volcanology, hydrology, biology, physical and chemical oceanography, among others). The first biweekly seminar will be on January 12, 2021. As part of the series, C-DEBI Senior Scientist Beth Orcutt will present ”Between a rock and a hard place: Life in oceanic crust” on February 16, 2021.

-EGU: Submit an abstract to 2021 EGU General Assembly, April 19-30, online (https://www.egu21.eu/) –
Abstract submission deadline: January 13, 2021.

-ELSI: 9th Symposium – Science in Society, January 25-29, online (https://symposium2021.elsi.jp/) –
Free registration deadline: January 15, 2021.

CJM: Call for Papers on Astrobiology – Insights into microbial life on Earth and Beyond (https://cdnsciencepub.com/do/10.1139/news.2020.10.07/abs/) (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116386) – NEW!
Guest Editors Lyle Whyte (McGill University), Isabelle Raymond-Bouchard (McGill University), Miquel Angel Fernández-Martínez (McGill University) and Jackie Goordial (University of Guelph) invite you to submit a manuscript to a special collection on Astrobiology, to be published in the Canadian Journal of Microbiology. We are looking for a broad range of topics focusing on microbiology in the greater field of Astrobiology and what microbiology can teach us about the potential, survival and limits of life on Earth and in the universe. In addition we seek submissions that develop novel tools to detect biosignatures in our solar system. The Canadian Journal of Microbiology has no page charges and an open access option for members of $1000 CA. Submission deadline: March 8, 2021.

-DOE / NMDC: Invitation to share your perspective on microbiome data science (http://bit.ly/nmdc_survey) –

Ongoing Activities:
* C-DEBI: Rolling call for Community Workshop support (http://www.darkenergybiosphere.org/research-activities/research-support/workshops/)
* C-DEBI: Protocols.io Group Page (https://www.protocols.io/groups/center-for-dark-energy-biosphere-investigations)
* C-DEBI: Subseafloor Cultures Database (http://www.darkenergybiosphere.org/outputs-resources/subseafloor-cultures-database/)

Education & Outreach

C-DEBI: Global Environmental Microbiology (GEM) Course, June 13-July 2 (https://www.darkenergybiosphere.org/education-diversity/for-undergraduates/gem-course/) (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116386) – NEW!
C-DEBI’s Global Environmental Microbiology (GEM) course is an all-expense paid, three-week, intensive introductory aquatic microbiology program. We are recruiting early career undergraduates interested in a STEM career from 2- and 4-year colleges to join us at the University of Southern California and Santa Catalina Island from June 13 through July 2, 2021 for lectures, discussions, labs, fieldwork, networking, career panels and more focusing on aquatic microbes and their ecology taught by Drs. John Heidelberg and Eric Webb. Participation including travel, room, board, and course expenses are supported by C-DEBI. If we cannot provide an in-person program in summer 2021, we will offer a highly modified online version of the course: Summer OnLine Interactive/Discussion-Global Environmental Microbiology (SOLID-GEM). Applications are due February 25, 2021.

Proposal Calls

-MBARI: 2021 Postdoctoral Fellowship (https://www.mbari.org/2021-postdoctoral-fellowship/) –
Application deadline: January 20, 2021.

-NSF: Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Pathways into the Earth, Ocean, Polar and Atmospheric & Geospace Sciences (IUSE:GEOPAths (IUSE:GEOPAths) (https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=505169&WT.mc_id=USNSF_46&WT.mc_ev=click) –
Full proposal deadline date: January 26, 2021.

-NSF: Biology Integration Institutes (BII) (https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=505684&WT.mc_id=USNSF_40&WT.mc_ev=click) –
Full proposal deadline date: January 27, 2021.

-NSF: Research Coordination Networks for Undergraduate Biology Education (RCN-UBE) (https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=505495) –
See also the NSF: DCL: Requesting proposals for online biology education to the RCN-UBE (https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2021/nsf21026/nsf21026.jsp?WT.mc_id=USNSF_25&WT.mc_ev=click) -. -Full proposal deadline date: January 29, 2021.

-NSF: Mid-Career Advancement (MCA) (https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=505749) –
Full proposal target date: February 1, 2021.

-NSF: Growing Convergence Research (GCR (https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=505637&WT.mc_id=USNSF_40&WT.mc_ev=click) –) (https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=505749) –
Full proposal target date: February 1, 2021.

-NSF: Chemical Oceanography (https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=11698&WT.mc_id=USNSF_46&WT.mc_ev=click) –
Full proposal target dates: February 15, 2021 and August 16, 2021.

-NSF: Physical Oceanography (https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=12729&WT.mc_id=USNSF_46&WT.mc_ev=click) –
Full proposal target dates: February 15, 2021 and August 16, 2021.

-NSF: Understanding the Rules of Life: Microbiome Interactions and Mechanisms (URoL:MIM) (https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2021/nsf21534/nsf21534.htm?WT.mc_id=USNSF_25&WT.mc_ev=click) –
Full proposal deadline: February 23, 2021.

-NSF: Research Traineeship (NRT) Program (https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=505015&WT.mc_id=USNSF_46&WT.mc_ev=click) –
Full proposal deadline dates: February 25, 2021 and September 6, 2021.

-JGI: CSP New Investigator (https://jgi.doe.gov/user-programs/program-info/csp-overview/csp-new-investigator/) –
Next deadline: March 1, 2021.

-NSF: EarthCube: Developing a Community-Driven Data and Knowledge Environment for the Geosciences (https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2021/nsf21515/nsf21515.htm?WT.mc_id=USNSF_25&WT.mc_ev=click) –
Full proposal deadline: March 2, 2021.

-NSF: Ocean Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (OCE-PRF) (https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2021/nsf21538/nsf21538.htm?WT.mc_id=USNSF_25&WT.mc_ev=click) –
Full proposal deadlines: March 3, 2021 and November 12, 2021.

-NSF: Navigating the New Arctic (NNA) (https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2021/nsf21524/nsf21524.htm?WT.mc_id=USNSF_25&WT.mc_ev=click) –
Full proposal deadline: March 5, 2021.

-NSF / NIH: Enabling Discovery through GEnomics (EDGE (https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2021/nsf21546/nsf21546.htm) )-
Full proposal deadlines: March 16, 2021 and February 17, 2022.

-NSF: (https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2021/nsf21524/nsf21524.htm?WT.mc_id=USNSF_25&WT.mc_ev=click) Dimensions of Biodiversity (https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2021/nsf21545/nsf21545.htm?WT.mc_id=USNSF_25&WT.mc_ev=click) –
The Dimensions of Biodiversity program expects to transform our understanding of the scope and role of life on Earth. Investigators are encouraged to propose projects that transcend traditional boundaries among areas of biodiversity research. The Dimensions program focuses on genetic, phylogenetic, and functional dimensions of biodiversity. Beginning in 2019 and continuing in 2021, only International collaborations involving the NSFC of China, the FAPESP of Brazil, and/or the NRF of South Africa will be considered. Successful proposals will test hypotheses about the mechanisms regulating the origin, maintenance and/or functional roles of biodiversity and must integrate across these three dimensions, with evidence of strong collaboration of US participants with researchers in China, Brazil, and/or South Africa. While this focus complements several core programs in BIO, it differs by requiring that multiple dimensions of biodiversity be addressed and integrated in innovative ways to
understand the roles of biodiversity in critical ecological and evolutionary processes. Full proposal deadline: March 26, 2021.

-IODP: Call for Drilling Proposals (http://iodp.org/proposals/call-for-proposals) –
The next submission deadline will be in early April 2021.

-NSF: International Research Experiences for Students (IRES) (https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2020/nsf20598/nsf20598.htm?WT.mc_id=USNSF_25&WT.mc_ev=click) –
Track I: IRES Sites (IS) due date: September 21, 2021. Track II: Advanced Studies Institutes (ASI) due date: September 28, 2021.

-NSF: Inclusion across the Nation of Communities of Learners of Underrepresented Discoverers in Engineering and Science (NSF INCLUDES) (https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=505289&WT.mc_id=USNSF_46&WT.mc_ev=click) –
Letter of intent deadline date: October 4, 2021.

-NSF: Accelerating Research through International Network-to-Network Collaborations (AccelNet) (https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2021/nsf21511/nsf21511.htm) –
Full proposal deadline: October 11, 2021.

-NSF: Tribal Colleges and Universities Program (TCUP) (https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=5483&WT.mc_id=USNSF_46&WT.mc_ev=click) –
See the program solicitation (https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=5483&WT.mc_id=USNSF_46&WT.mc_ev=click) for proposal windows and deadlines through 2021.

Rolling Calls:
* C-DEBI: Rolling call for Research Exchange proposals (http://www.darkenergybiosphere.org/research-activities/research-support/exchange/)
* IODP-USSSP: Proposals for Pre-Drilling Activities (http://usoceandiscovery.org/pre-drilling-activities/)
* NSF: Antarctic Research Program Solicitation (https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2020/nsf20568/nsf20568.htm?WT.mc_id=USNSF_25&WT.mc_ev=click)
* NSF: Arctic Research Program Solicitation (https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2021/nsf21526/nsf21526.htm)
* -NSF: Biological Oceanography (https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=11696&WT.mc_id=USNSF_46&WT.mc_ev=click) –
* NSF: DCL: Career-Life Balance (CLB) Supplemental Funding Requests (https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2021/nsf21021/nsf21021.jsp?WT.mc_id=USNSF_25&WT.mc_ev=click)
* NSF: DCL: Collaborative Proposals under NSF and US-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF) Collaborative Research Opportunities (https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2020/nsf20094/nsf20094.jsp?WT.mc_id=USNSF_25&WT.mc_ev=click)
* NSF: DCL: IMAGiNE FG: Functional Genomics (https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2021/nsf21034/nsf21034.jsp?WT.mc_id=USNSF_25&WT.mc_ev=click) (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116386) – NEW!
* NSF: DCL: Poorly Sampled and Unknown Taxa (PurSUiT) (https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2020/nsf20059/nsf20059.jsp?WT.mc_id=USNSF_25&WT.mc_ev=click)
* NSF: DCL: Non-Academic Research Internships for Graduate Students (INTERN) Supplemental Funding Opportunity (https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2021/nsf21013/nsf21013.jsp?WT.mc_id=USNSF_25&WT.mc_ev=click)
* NSF: DCL: UKRI/BBSRC-NSF/BIO Lead Agency Opportunity in Biological Informatics, Microbes and the Host Immune System, Quantum Biology and Synthetic Cell (https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2020/nsf20118/nsf20118.jsp?WT.mc_id=USNSF_25&WT.mc_ev=click)
* NSF: Division of Environmental Biology (core programs) (DEB) (https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2021/nsf21504/nsf21504.htm)
* NSF: Infrastructure Innovation for Biological Research (IIBR) (https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2021/nsf21502/nsf21502.htm)
* NSF: Non-Academic Research Internships for Graduate Students (INTERN) Supplemental Funding Opportunity (https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2021/nsf21013/nsf21013.jsp)
* NSF: Research Assistantships for High School Students (RAHSS): Funding to Broaden Participation in the Biological Sciences (https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2018/nsf18088/nsf18088.jsp?WT.mc_id=USNSF_25&WT.mc_ev=click)
* NSF: Research Experience for Teachers (RET): Funding Opportunity in the Biological Sciences (https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2018/nsf18089/nsf18089.jsp?WT.mc_id=USNSF_25&WT.mc_ev=click)
* UNOLS: Cruise Opportunity Program (https://www.unols.org/unols-cruise-opportunity-program)


Consortium for Ocean Leadership: President & CEO (https://oceanleadership.org/president-ceo-search-announcement/) (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116386) – NEW!
The Consortium for Ocean Leadership is a Washington, DC-based nonprofit organization that represents more than 90 of the leading public and private ocean research education institutions, aquaria, non-profits, philanthropy organizations, and industry with the mission to advance research, education, and ocean policy. The President & CEO reports to its Board of Trustees who seeks a highly strategic and visionary leader who is prepared to transform the Consortium to serve the membership and the evolving national ocean enterprise. The President must leverage existing and build new relationships and partnerships across federal, academic, philanthropic, non-profit, and industrial sectors to advance the needs and missions of the ocean sciences community. The President will lead conversations that foster trust and lead to action that position the Consortium as a leader in national ocean policy. The successful candidate will have the demonstrated and productive relationships necessary to be an
effective and visionary leader of the national ocean community and have the ability to understand and clearly articulate the essential importance of ocean research on a national and global level. The President must be knowledgeable about key issues, opportunities, and policies in ocean sciences and education and be seen as a highly accomplished scientist, leader, and representative of the organization’s vision, mission, and objectives among diverse audiences. The President must embrace a leadership model that can inspire change and take risks while also being inclusive, data-driven, and work across boundaries. Application deadline is January 11, 2021.

-Queen Mary U of London: Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Biogeochemical Modelling (https://webapps2.is.qmul.ac.uk/jobs/job.action?jobRef=QMUL23274) –
The closing date for applications is January 15, 2021.

UIC: Bridge to the Faculty Postdoctoral Research Associate in Earth and Environmental Sciences (https://eaes.uic.edu/people/open-positions/)
Application deadline: January 22, 2021.

-Maryville College: Assistant Professor of Cell Biology (https://www.paycomonline.net/v4/ats/web.php/jobs/ViewJobDetails?job=39737&clientkey=1064DAE0FBE4FE97CBC8BAA9499D8EE7) –
Applications received by January 31, 2021 can be assured of full consideration.

-Lehigh University: Assistant Professor in Biological Sciences (https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/17733) –
The initial deadline for applications is February 1, 2021.

Bigelow: Bioinformatician at the Single Cell Genomics Center (https://bigelow.freshteam.com/jobs/HDSAopps3gb_/bioinformatician) (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116386) – NEW!
We are seeking a highly motivated bioinformatician who will develop computing solutions in support of microbial ecology and evolution research programs and the operation of Bigelow Laboratory’s Single Cell Genomics Center (SCGC). The SCGC is a global leader in microbial single cell genomics technology development and has been serving as an engine for discoveries in microbial ecology, evolution, bioprospecting, and human health since 2009. Qualified candidates will have a BS degree or higher in computer science or life sciences with a computational focus, plus two years of relevant, post-degree experience. Candidates must be proficient in Python and R and have experience with Linux and shell scripting. Candidates must have experience working with next generation sequencing data and applicable bioinformatics algorithms and tools. Qualified individuals must be able to work both independently and harmoniously in a team of researchers with diverse backgrounds. Candidates must have strong
communication skills and follow best practices in code documentation and general record keeping. Experience building bioinformatics workflows using tools such as nextflow or snakemake and/or experience with database management and/or Laboratory Information Management Systems is a plus. Review of applications will begin February 15, 2021, and the search will continue until the position is filled.

-WHOI: Research Assistant / Research Associate – MC&G (https://careers-whoi.icims.com/jobs/1292/research-assistant—research-associate—mc%26g/job) –

-MBARI: Principal Investigator or Principal Engineer (focus on seafloor patterns and processes) (https://www.mbari.org/principal_investigator_engineer/) –
