Motivated by the suite of habitable environments available to Mars-2020 for in situ exploration and sample collection, we are convening a set of 4 web-hosted telecons, open to the community. The first two telecons are:

Telecon 1: Martian Environment: Evidence for Rock-Hosted Waters
What is the evidence for ancient Mars environmental conditions? What is the likelihood of habitats for rock-hosted life?
December 19, 8:30AM PST // facilitated by Bethany Ehlmann, Paul Niles

Telecon 2: Metabolisms and Niches for Terrestrial Rock-Hosted Life
Where rock-hosted life found on earth today? What are its metabolisms and products?
December 20, 8:30AM PST // facilitated by Tullis Onstott, Jeff Marlow

The URL for the meeting is:

Select “Enter as a Guest”, type in your name and click the “Enter Room” button. The telecon line is 844-467-6272, passcode 250961

For further schedule and information about the working group, see:
