To the IODP and ICDP Communities: Following discussions with the AGU Fall Meeting Program Chair, Denis-Didier Rousseau, a three-year plan (2017-2019) for IODP-ICDP sessions at the AGU has been defined, culminating with the celebration of the AGU Centennial in 2019. We have highlighted three overarching, societally relevant themes that are well aligned with both IODP and ICDP science plan themes. Thesethemes (and examples of topics; identified priorities are underlined) are the following: 1) Georesources, Storage, and Sustainability:
Unconventional Energy (Supercritical and magma geothermics, EGS, methane and gas hydrates, hydrogen resources and storage), Deep Carbon fluxes and storage and Water resources (Groundwater vs. Seawater). 2) Climate, Environment and Ecosystem:Life in extreme environments: the hidden biosphere, Links between geological and biological systems at depth, Analogs and models of recent climate changes in geological archives, Impact of climate and ocean changes on ecosystems, Impact of Earth processes on Earth’s environment. 3) Geological Hazards:Monitoring and mitigating man-made geohazards? (e.g., induced seismicity, landslides), Hazards in the geological record: from improving risk assessment and prediction of catastrophic events towards mitigation, Underlying mechanisms of geological hazards: faulting, earthquakes, volcanoes, impacts. We seek potential conveners (who must be AGU members) to submit AGU session proposals on these three overarching themes. Please keep us informed so that actions and proposal submissions can be coordinated. The provisional dates of the call for session proposal are February 15th – April 19th, 2017.