The new JOIDES Resolution traveling exhibit (which if you’re not familiar with, you can see a video preview of it here: was created through an NSF grant that also provides funding to allow the exhibit to visit sites around the United States to the end of 2021. If you would like the exhibit to come to your community, there is an online application form to nominate your community as a future host site during 2019-2021. Before you go and do that though, there are a couple stipulations. The grant requires each host community to be a collaboration between an organization such as a library, museum, science center, or university and a local girl scout council. The organization will provide the facilities to present the exhibit to the public, as well as provide opportunities for underserved audiences to easily experience the exhibit. The girl scout council will commit to training some of their girl scouts to be volunteer docents for the exhibit while it is in town. If you have any contacts with local organizations and/or girl scout councils who may be interested in hosting this exhibit, please pass this information onto them.