Message from the Director:

This is Alvin, a submarine operated by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. It’s capable of reaching depths of 4,500 meters and carries two scientists and one pilot on each dive. Photo courtesy of Luis Lamar, WHOI.

Dear C-DEBI,

C-DEBIer Jason Sylvan (Texas A&M University) is leading a research cruise to study how microbiology, mineralogy, and geology change on hydrothermal vent sulfides right after they stop venting. #Hot2ColdVents, funded by the National Science Foundation, will go to 9˚50”N on the East Pacific Rise during March 25-April 24, 2019 and use Alvin to sample active hydrothermal sulfides and then leave them exposed on the seafloor for one week and one year to follow the changes post-venting. Learn more at the project website and follow the cruise blog.


Jan Amend
C-DEBI Director
