The University of Wyoming invites applications for a tenure-track, Assistant Professor position in Biogeochemistry in the Department of Geology & Geophysics and the interdepartmental Program in Ecology Ph.D. The successful candidate is expected to build a strong extramurally funded research program in biogeochemical processes and analyses. We seek applicants who complement existing research strengths at the University and address questions spanning broad scales — e.g., from organisms, molecules, and minerals to landscapes and global dynamics. Competitive candidates will be able to build strong research and teaching roles with regard to biogeochemical processes. The research focus may range broadly including topics such as microbial processes, weathering, ecosystem stoichiometry, organic geochemistry, and global elemental cycles. The University of Wyoming maintains facilities that support cutting-edge research in biogeochemistry, including high-performance computing, stable isotope analyses, scanning electron microscopy, organic geochemical techniques such as biomarker analysis, and new core facilities for DNA extraction and library preparation. This search is one of four in a cluster in the Program in Ecology (aquatic ecosystem ecologist, biogeochemist, computational biologist, and plant-microbe interactions), and candidates may also participate in the interdisciplinary Ph.D. programs in Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences and Hydrologic Science. The cluster hire is supported in part by a new 5-year, $20 million NSF EPSCoR RII Track-1 grant to the University. In this project we will study microbial life and its ecological consequences. Review of applications will begin on November 13, 2017.
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