There is a new National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP) “Broad Agency Announcement” (ONR BAA # N000014-18-S-B007) posted that includes seven ocean research and technology topics that may be of interest. Up to $27.3 million over three (3) years may be available for this solicitation, subject to appropriation, availability of funds, and final approval by the participating NOPP agencies. The BAA provides research opportunities for the following seven topics: Topic 1 – CubeSat Sensors for Investigating Littoral Ocean & Atmosphere Dynamics; Topic 2 – Sustained observations of marine biodiversity for improved understanding of marine ecosystem responses to changing environmental conditions; Topic 3 – Advanced Sensor Technology; Topic 4 – Autonomous Profiling Floats for Investigating Tropical Pacific Ocean Biogeochemistry; Topic 5 – Improving Arctic Operational Forecasts Arctic Observing System Simulation Experiments using Year of Polar Prediction data (Arctic OSSE); Topic 6 – New Approaches for Data Assimilation to Improve Operational Ocean Prediction; Topic 7 – Autonomous Mapping. Proposal deadlines of December 21, 2018 and January 18. 2019.
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