This Professorship of Geological Earth Surfaces Processes (Sedimentology) should strengthen the Faculty of Geosciences in research and teaching in the area of Geology. This professorship is aimed at enhancing interdisciplinary cooperation in the dynamics of earth surface processes documented by sedimentary facies, stratigraphic successions, or paleoclimatological proxies, on the basis of sedimentological field observations and modern methods of sedimentary rock analysis. We expect a willingness to explore synergies with tectonics, paleontology, geobiology, geophysics, geochemistry, physical geography and in particular with the research and teaching unit in geology, as well as with the GeoBio-Center LMU and the Munich Geocenter. The establishment of third-party research funding from national and international sources is expected. Teaching responsibilities in the Bachelor program “Geosciences”, in the international Masters Programs “Geology”, “Geobiology and Paleobiology”, and “Geophysics”, as well as further teaching responsibilities in exogenic geology/sedimentology, must be met in a manner which is complementary to the existing teaching strengths of the department.
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