FAU’s Harbor Branch, located in Fort Pierce, Florida, and FAU’s Institute for Sensing and Embedded Network Systems Engineering (I-SENSE), located in Boca Raton, Florida, seek candidates for an Assistant, Associate, or Full Research Professor with expertise in geochemistry/geochemical sensing and a research background in one or more of the following areas: marine chemistry, nutrient cycling, carbon transformations, particle fluxes across continental shelves, trace metal distributions, and electrochemical sensing. Candidates will also display a broad interest in marine ecology, biological oceanography, marine microbiology, and in situ sensing technologies. Applications are sought from individuals with excellent research/publication records and demonstrated potential to lead a strong, extramurally funded research program that explores opportunities with state, federal agencies, industry and private foundations. Applicants whose research provides a strong background in geochemical processes at sediment-water interfaces are preferred. Applicants must apply electronically by August 31, 2017.
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